Tim Thornton contact & directions

Contact me

Operating hours: Sunday to Wednesday, 7am till 7pm.

If you’re ready and committed to make a positive, permanent change in your life, make an appointment with me today, through my online booking service.

However, if you have any questions prior to booking me, please fill out the contact form below or call 0424 079 690 and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

    Your Email

    Your Message

    All form fields are required

    How to get to my clinic

    Clinic Address
    My clinic is conveniently located in the Sydney CBD.

    Level 2, Watson House,
    300 George Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000

    Public Transport
    You can use a combination of trains, buses, ferries & light rail.

    This clinic is opposite Wynyard Train Station & 10 minutes walk from Circular Quay
    By car
    Recommended Parking Stations on Sunday, 10-minute walk to the clinic

    $10 all day at
    Wilson Parking Garage
    Chifley Tower
    Chifley Plaza, 2 Chifley Square
    1800 727 546

    Recommended Parking Stations on Monday to Wednesday, 3-minute walk to the clinic
    Wilson Parking
    123 Pitt St
    1800 727 546