I am glad that’s not me!

Quit Smoking Testimonial from Jesse L.:

At first I had reservations because my decision was based on “should” rather than “I want to”. I questioned my own level of commitment and I feared the grieving that might ensue from losing my strong attachment.

Even during the hypnosis treatment I wondered if it was having any impact as I still felt very “conscious” and aware, and in my mind i was still questioning the process.

However, as I left, I already had a sense that things had changed, and I felt very calm. Smoking was low on my agenda and it surprised me that at “habit” times, I barely thought about it. There were no overwhelming cravings, such as I had had on other sorts of attempts to quit smoking.

A couple of weeks later, during the time of high stress, I almost succumbed – I got in the car and drove to the regular shop, arguing with myself all the way, and rather easily continued driving past and returned empty handed. That was the big win day when I knew it was real and permanent.

Now after two months, I feel strong and free. I am quite dispassionate about it. If I walk past someone smoking, I can “like” the familiar smell without feeling any urge to partake. Sometimes I just think “I’m glad that’s not me!”.

It was my form of stress relief – and a crutch – and I was afraid to give up. Surprisingly, I feel so much less stressed now not smoking – I am much more relaxed. I cope better and I feel free, happy and strong.

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